Entries by Bill Prettyman

Five Ways to Overcome Fear

Fear does not stop death…it stops life Are you ever paralyzed by fear? I know I have been fearful enough over a goal, a relationship or a situation to stop in my tracks and do nothing. If we can learn to deal with fear and overcome it, then we can make progress on our goals […]

Rhythm Gets Results

Have you ever thought about why you are so productive at times and not as productive at other times? One of the reasons I have discovered over time when I am less productive is that on my most productive days I am working in a rhythm and the opposite is true on my most unproductive […]

The Value of Saying No

Do we ever have trouble saying “no”? I know that I have in the past and the older I get the more I realize how important it is for me to say no to certain requests. Our time is limited and if we are to accomplish what we were meant to do on this earth […]

Five Ways to Align Your Team for Better Results

Is your team aligned on a goal? When a team is aligned on a goal there is almost no stopping them if they work together. Alignment can be challenging to create and maintain but there are some ways to generate and keep team alignment. Here are five ways to keep a team aligned:

How to Debrief to Learn and Make Progress

Do you take the time to debrief regularly? If we do then we can not only learn from situations in our lives but we can make more progress toward our goals. To debrief means to take the time to think about a situation and ask yourself what happened, what went well, and what could have […]