
Improve Productivity in the Print Industry

Have you often thought about how to improve productivity in the print industry?

Of course you have.

If we want to get better at what we do we need to find ways to continuously improve productivity. There are probably many ways and ideas to get this done.

For the purposes of creating a method to continuously improve productivity, I have suggested a process for you to follow.

Decide on Your Goal

First, we have to identify what our goal is. Do we want to increase our print revenue by 10% this year or add 10 new customers that provide at least $10,000 in new revenue or something else?

Once we have decided on our goal then we can proceed to the next step. Read more

Accomplish More by Doing Less in Your Print Business

accomplish more doing less

Are you frustrated at times with your progress in your printing industry job or print business? I know I am at times, and when this happens I have to remind myself that I am probably trying to do too much.

At these times, I need to take the time to re-examine what my most important projects are and to discard the rest of the items to be accomplished some other day.

When I take the time to do this, I almost always have a sense of relief that I have let myself off the hook. Shortly thereafter, I feel a sense of accomplishment as my progress gets back on track again.

Here are a few ideas to help you accomplish more by doing less:

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5 Ways to Achieve Your Most Important Project

mountainAre you ever frustrated by the lack of time you have to work on your most important project? Each of us have the same amount of time to accomplish our goals but some people just seem to reach their goals and accomplish their most important project easier than others.

Here are several ways to make sure we accomplish our most important project: Read more

Five Steps to Increased Efficiency

efficiencyProductivity. It’s something that all business leaders and professionals are thinking about — how to do more in each day, eliminate the distractions, and keep focused on achieving the big business goals that lie ahead.

In a recent post, contributor Minda Zetlin interviewed Brian Moran, author of the “12 Week Year,” for his thoughts about how professionals can use efficiency to meet their goals faster.

Moran suggesting thinking of the calendar not as 12 months, but 12 weeks.

“If you embrace 12 weeks as a year, it changes your thinking. It creates a healthy sense of urgency. Twelve weeks is long enough to make significant progress, but near enough that you don’t lose sight of the deadline.”

Here are five steps to get started with Moran’s 12-week planning model: Read more