
Think Big to Accomplish More


Have you ever thought of the value of thinking big in terms of goal setting or the vision for your life or your print business? There is tremendous value in thinking big as often as you can. People who are big thinkers have more opportunities and accomplish more than they would if they thought small.

Here are several reasons why thinking big will help you accomplish more:

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The Key to Results-Oriented Innovation


Have you ever introduced an innovation to your customers and wondered why you were so excited about it but they were not?

Was it because they did not understand your vision? Or, could it have been they really did understand it, but the innovation didn’t do anything for them?

This post will outline how you can develop an innovation that impacts your customers as well as explain how to make sure your customers understand what the innovation is.

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Go Farther Faster with a Winning Attitude

attitudeHave you ever noticed that those people who are most content, most productive, and reach their goals more frequently have a great attitude?

A great attitude can be something you are born with, but more often than not it is developed over time. The saying that “attitude determines altitude” could not be more true.

Many people believe that we achieve and then we develop a great attitude as a result of our achievement. I would argue that success builds confidence, but reaching that success can only be achieved by having a great attitude.

One of the questions you may be asking yourself is “How do I develop a winning attitude?”

Here are a few ideas to implement to help you go farther faster:

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Innovate with These Five Ideas

innovateDo you ever wonder how other people come up with great ideas to innovate their businesses, their jobs or their lives?

Sometimes these ideas occur haphazardly and we have an awakening.

However, there are ways we can be more proactive to create ideas that can change our businesses, our jobs and our lives.

Last week I covered a few ideas.

Here are several others that can be utilized to innovate: Read more

Innovation: Three Secrets Everyone Misses

innovationInnovation is a hot topic among business leaders. There are dozens of companies advising on innovation and countless books on ways to innovate.

If you’re serious about innovating your company to prepare for future opportunities and growth, you’ve probably had discussions with your executive leadership about change management and visioning.

In a recent post, Lauren Leader-Chivée, founding partner at Hewlett Chivée LLC, discusses three drivers of innovation many businesses overlook. Read more

Ten Traits of Great Innovators

innovatorsOne of the keys to sustained business success is understanding and embracing innovation. All organizations — and not just the Googles and the Apples of the world — can become innovative, but it can be challenging for some business leaders to see innovation in their teams and businesses.

In a recent Forbes post, contributor Rebecca Bagley discusses ten traits all great innovators possess.

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