The Lifetime Value of a Customer in the Print Industry

The Lifetime Value of a Customer in the Print IndustryHave you ever thought of the lifetime value of a customer? Have you ever thought of why that would even be important to understand or calculate?

The lifeblood of any business is its customers. They are the purpose of our business—and any purpose other than serving your customers puts your company in a vulnerable position.

The fact is, demanding customers make us better. Their needs help bring about never-ending improvement as we make changes for their benefit.

Since customers are the purpose of our business, it’s important to understand and calculate the lifetime value of a customer.

There are many ways to look at the value of a customer—here is one way: Read more

The Key to Results-Oriented Innovation


Have you ever introduced an innovation to your customers and wondered why you were so excited about it but they were not?

Was it because they did not understand your vision? Or, could it have been they really did understand it, but the innovation didn’t do anything for them?

This post will outline how you can develop an innovation that impacts your customers as well as explain how to make sure your customers understand what the innovation is.

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Drive More Revenue from Current Customers


Are you too focused on winning new print customers and not considering opportunities within your current customers?

It is easy to believe that in order to grow your revenue you need to add more customers.

However, the easiest way to drive additional revenue is from your current customers. Often, we walk past opportunities with our current customers because our orientation may be just to maintain what we have and grow only with new customers.

Here are a few ideas to consider in order to drive more revenue from current customers:

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Five Ways to Win Customers

businessAre you challenged to win more customers in today’s market?

All of us are challenged to win new customers in today’s marketplace.

As we look at different ideas to win new customers, here are a few ways that we can utilize to win customers.

These are “back to the basics” in terms of winning new customers. Sometimes we forget to execute the fundamentals and make business more complex than we need to make it.

I believe in keeping things simple and in that way I would advocate we consider going back to the basics. If you believe the fundamentals are important, here are some sure-fire ways to win customers for your business:

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Selling: Nine Things You Need to Know

selling Walk down the aisles of your local bookstore and you’ll be met with countless titles about selling: Sales technique, philosophy, more effective cold calling — the list goes on and on.

In a recent post for Entrepreneur, contributor Steve Tobak distills all his experience as a sales engineer into nine things all business leaders and sales professionals need to know when it comes to effective selling. Read more

Six Metrics to Boost Your Sales

boost your salesSales are the cornerstone of any business, but increasing sales doesn’t need to be difficult if you know which metrics to track closely.

Dave Lavinsky, co-founder of Growthink and an Entrepreneur contributor, outlines six metrics that can help you boost your sales.

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