
Lifelong Learning Drives Print Revenue


Have you ever thought of the relationship between learning and print revenue for your business?

There is a strong correlation because your customers want to do business with experts in the print industry, not just order takers. Order taking is easy. But customers often want creative thinking and product/service knowledge.

How do you get there?

You commit yourself to a lifetime of learning. That commitment will drive print revenue.

Here are five ways to drive print revenue through lifelong learning:

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Build Better Customer Relationships to Drive More Revenue


Have you ever thought about ways you can build better customer relationships? Either with either your current customers or your prospects in your print business?

There are a number of ways to do this beyond the five ways in this blog post.

However, I have found that these five have had a profound impact on my personal ability to build print customer relationships. Read more

Accomplish More by Doing Less in Your Print Business

accomplish more doing less

Are you frustrated at times with your progress in your printing industry job or print business? I know I am at times, and when this happens I have to remind myself that I am probably trying to do too much.

At these times, I need to take the time to re-examine what my most important projects are and to discard the rest of the items to be accomplished some other day.

When I take the time to do this, I almost always have a sense of relief that I have let myself off the hook. Shortly thereafter, I feel a sense of accomplishment as my progress gets back on track again.

Here are a few ideas to help you accomplish more by doing less:

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Six Steps for Preparation for Growth

team hands

If you have the desire to grow your print revenue as a principal, salesperson or customer service representative, have you ever thought about the importance to prepare for that growth?

Before launching a new product or new capability or capturing a new type of customer, it is important to be prepared prior to going for it.

The culture around us says, “just do it” and encourages us to just jump in and figure it out as we go. This may work in some situations, but being prepared for a growth opportunity increases the likelihood of the successful outcome we desire.

Here are several steps that define a process to follow to be certain you are prepared for growth:

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Drive More Revenue from Current Customers


Are you too focused on winning new print customers and not considering opportunities within your current customers?

It is easy to believe that in order to grow your revenue you need to add more customers.

However, the easiest way to drive additional revenue is from your current customers. Often, we walk past opportunities with our current customers because our orientation may be just to maintain what we have and grow only with new customers.

Here are a few ideas to consider in order to drive more revenue from current customers:

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Go Farther Faster with a Winning Attitude

attitudeHave you ever noticed that those people who are most content, most productive, and reach their goals more frequently have a great attitude?

A great attitude can be something you are born with, but more often than not it is developed over time. The saying that “attitude determines altitude” could not be more true.

Many people believe that we achieve and then we develop a great attitude as a result of our achievement. I would argue that success builds confidence, but reaching that success can only be achieved by having a great attitude.

One of the questions you may be asking yourself is “How do I develop a winning attitude?”

Here are a few ideas to implement to help you go farther faster:

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