
How to Debrief to Learn and Make Progress

debriefDo you take the time to debrief regularly? If we do then we can not only learn from situations in our lives but we can make more progress toward our goals.

To debrief means to take the time to think about a situation and ask yourself what happened, what went well, and what could have been done better.

Debriefing is important in business as well as in our personal lives. It helps us become the best we can be, not only for ourselves but for those around us – whether family, friends, co-workers or customers.

People that achieve their goals reach them in part because they take the time to thoughtfully consider and reflect on important situations. Here is a process that can be used to debrief from any situation.

These steps can be used to debrief from an interaction with another person, a meeting with a group of people, determine how a process worked, such as a planning process to reach your goals, or any number of other situations. Read more