Entries by Bill Prettyman

The Lifetime Value of a Customer in the Print Industry

Have you ever thought of the lifetime value of a customer? Have you ever thought of why that would even be important to understand or calculate? The lifeblood of any business is its customers. They are the purpose of our business—and any purpose other than serving your customers puts your company in a vulnerable position. […]

Improve Productivity in the Print Industry

Have you often thought about how to improve productivity in the print industry? Of course you have. If we want to get better at what we do we need to find ways to continuously improve productivity. There are probably many ways and ideas to get this done. For the purposes of creating a method to continuously […]

Five Reasons Challenges are Opportunities in Disguise

How do you react to challenges and trials in your business life in the print industry or personal life? Are you frustrated, annoyed or angry? Are you disappointed or discouraged when challenges enter your life? In the print industry today, we are all confronted by challenges. But challenges are opportunities in disguise. As crazy as […]

Create Tension in the Workplace for Better Results

Have you ever thought of the value of tension in the workplace, particularly for your print business? Tension in the workplace makes us uncomfortable and may even cause anxiety and stress us out, regardless of our title. However, growth and results are where the tension is. Why? Tension usually develops when we want to or […]

Fear: Five Ideas to Help Slay Your Dragons

Have you ever been overcome by fear to the point where you think you cannot slay your dragons? All of us reach that point on occasion in our lives, as well as in today’s challenging print industry. Slaying your dragons in this context means overcoming our fears. Fear holds many people back from achieving the […]