Sleep Your Way to Health and Productivity

SleepTo sleep, perchance to dream. The famous quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet has never held more stock than in today’s hectic world.

The pace of our lives sometimes feels never-ending. All of those predictions about technology reducing our workloads, and making us a civilization of leisure? Well, it hasn’t really worked out that way.

In fact, it’s been the opposite. The faster and more efficiently we can so something these days, only results in more time to do more things, faster, and more efficiently.

The “glorification of busy” has been written about often. And the first thing that takes a hit when we’re all ‘so busy’? Our sleep. Read more

Goals: Four Ways to Achieve Them

goalsAre you ever frustrated by the lack of progress you seem to be making toward your goals?

Would you like to reach those goals quicker?

If so, here are a few ideas to help speed your momentum. Read more

Productivity: How to Beat the New Week Blahs

productivityAfter the long winter most of us in the United States have endured this year, Mondays feel even more unwelcome than usual. 

Greeting another week when you’re feeling less than motivated is a difficult task. But it’s not an impossible one.

And there are small tricks you can use to make heading into yet another (cold, wintery) week feel less like a mountain to climb, and help increase your productivity.

Writing in a recent article, entrepreneur Kevin Daum shares six tips for re-energizing your week. Read more

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

CreditHarry Truman once said, “It is amazing what you can accomplish, if you don’t care who gets the credit.”

And while there’s a lot of truth in that statement, the reality is, most people like to be recognized for the hard work they do.

We’ve all faced experiences at one point or another in our careers where someone else took credit for our work. Perhaps your manager got the public recognition for a project you did 75 percent of the leg work on. Or, you were part of team effort to accomplish a major task, and somehow, one team member ended up being congratulated just a little more heartily than the rest.

When employees are regularly over-looked, and not given credit where it is due, eventually they’ll stop working as hard. They will have learned that giving 110 percent isn’t really worth the effort. At best you’ll end up with sub-standard output. At worst, you will lose good employees as they look elsewhere to be rewarded for their knowledge and experience.

And you don’t want either of those thing happening in your organization.

Sachin H. Jain wrote about this issue in a recent post for Harvard Business Review. He has led teams in in government, academia, clinical medicine, and the private sector, and as such has devised his own set of rules to help manage ‘giving credit where credit is due’.

Here are his top three: Read more

Four Ideas to Stay Focused and Productive

focused and productiveDo you have challenges with having focused periods to accomplish your goals?

Many of us have faced that issue, and all of us must be diligent in order to stay focused and maximize our productivity.

Here are four ideas to help you stay focused and productive. Read more

Productivity: Nine Things Productive People Don’t Do

productivityProductivity seems to always be on the minds of business leaders. Our days are filled with appointments, deadlines — and often, distractions come knocking.

In a recent post on, Bill Murphy, Jr., co-author of Breakthrough Entrepreneurship, says what you DON’T do, is just as important was what you DO do, when it comes to increasing your daily productivity. Read more