Create Value with Content Creation
Have you ever thought about the impact good content has on others’ perception of you and your business?
All we have to do is look at the people whom we regularly read or watch videos or listen to podcasts and we have examples of the value of good content.
If we can create good content for our customers to absorb and gain value from, we are helping them with their lives as well as developing their sense that our company adds value to them.
Although there is more and more content generated each day, customers need content that is relevant and that they can use. Very few companies in each industry create content that serves its customers or its customers’ customers. So, this is a great opportunity to add value for your customers.
Here are some ideas for creating content that adds value for your customers:
1. Start Simple with Whitepapers
I suggest you start simple by creating whitepapers. Think about the most common issues your customers have and write a whitepaper about each of them and how you helped to solve them.
This will add relevance to potential customers for the value that you bring to them.
2. Initiate a Blog
This is a good step in creating regular content for your customers. Again, make sure you are creating relevance for your audience so they will come back again and again.
If you are blogging, do it on a regular schedule so they know they can depend on it.
3. Create Video
Video is a great way to add value to your customers’ experience with your company. You can use video for a variety of options for your customers. Use video when you’re doing an interview such as a Skype interview with a customer or someone else.
You can use video to present a product or a benefit where a visual on it will make more sense for your customers as well. Video also just makes great sense because people would almost rather watch a two or three minute video than read about it.
4. Record a podcast
Podcasts serve a great opportunity when you have information to communicate that does not require visual learning. Podcasts can be used for training purposes so that if you were driving along in your car you could be listening to it or it can be used to listen on your computer as well.
Think of Podcasts for uses that are informational and educational in nature.
There are several ways to create great content for your customers. Four ways to do that are whitepapers, blogs, videos and podcasts. What are your favorite ways to present information and what has worked for you when communicating with your customers?