Six Steps for Preparation for Growth

team hands

If you have the desire to grow your print revenue as a principal, salesperson or customer service representative, have you ever thought about the importance to prepare for that growth?

Before launching a new product or new capability or capturing a new type of customer, it is important to be prepared prior to going for it.

The culture around us says, “just do it” and encourages us to just jump in and figure it out as we go. This may work in some situations, but being prepared for a growth opportunity increases the likelihood of the successful outcome we desire.

Here are several steps that define a process to follow to be certain you are prepared for growth:

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Leverage the 5S Process

processDo you want to improve productivity, organize your workspace, and simplify your life?

If so, leverage the power of 5S.

This is a process by which you can get rid of what you do not need and organize what remains so you spend the least amount of time retrieving the item.

This process can be applied to your workspace, your home, your business – just about any space can be improved with this process.

I have described the five steps below to help you further understand how to take action with it: Read more

Processes are the Key to Increased Productivity

productivityHave you ever thought about a way to improve your productivity?

The answer lies in having processes that make you as efficient and effective as possible.

If you think about it, almost everything we do can be done as a process.

Here are just a few examples: Morning routine, making breakfast, working on your inbox, answering emails, conducting meetings, creating a project work plan, strategic planning.

Our key to improving our efficiency and effectiveness is to continuously improve our processes.

Here is a simple method that can be used to increase your productivity with processes: Read more

How to Communicate Effectively

communicateOne of the greatest challenges we all face is to communicate effectively.

Effective communication can lead to better relationships and better teamwork. We also need to communicate more effectively during presentations.

Whether we are communicating one on one, to a small group or a large audience, there are some basic ways we can plan and execute to help us communicate effectively.

Here are five ways to make sure our communication works: Read more

Simplify Your Way to Greater Productivity

productivityIs your work life too complicated?

Do you ever feel challenged to simplify your work or personal life?

I have faced this at times and it is a never-ending battle to keep my life simple.

It can be done but it takes determination and commitment.

Every time I simplify I increase productivity at work, and in my overall life.

Here is a four step process to help you simplify your life and stay there. Read more

Create the Energy Needed to Always Have a Productive Day


Do you want to have the energy it takes to have a productive day, every day? Do you ever feel fatigued throughout the day?

I know that I want to be at my peak every day and have learned from many people how I can have the ultimate energy each time I get up in the morning.

We want to be productive so we can enjoy our lives, get more work done, and spend time nurturing the relationships that matter the most. Here are a few ideas to help you generate continual energy for whatever your calendar has in store for the day.

These are habits that will help to increase energy and productivity, so work on forming them and executing them every day. Read more